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Technopark of Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev
Technopark’s Goals:
- - To facilitate the creation and development of new companies that apply scientific research results obtained by the university and other research institutions;
- - To act as a mechanism for the implementation of regional policy, aimed at industrial reconstruction on the basis of advanced technologies;
- - To facilitate the creation of a close relationship and cooperation between higher educational institutions, research centers and the industry;
- - To facilitate the creation of new income sources for the University and other research institutions.
Technopark’s Functions:
- - Development of different mechanisms for introducing high-end technologies in industrial business for the purpose of intensive development of scientific and technical potential of KNRTU-KAI named after A.N. Tupolev both within the Republic of Tatarstan and outside the region;
- - Creation of innovation “interface” for the government control of industrial and economic growth of the Republic of Tatarstan;
- - Financial, organizational, technical and legal support of newly-established companies of high-tech business including rental of industrial premises and facilities;
- - Creation of common information and business space for small and medium-size companies of high-tech business;
- - Implementation of a wide range of consulting services offered to small enterprises of innovation business.
Address: 10 Karl Marx Str., Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan, Russian Federation
Postal code: 420111
Telephone: +7 (843) 238-52-60; 238-46-13
E-mail: kaitot@bancorp.ru